Payment Followup [1]
Subawardees can sign up for access to the University of Iowa’s online system, VendorTrac [2], which provides access to payment status. VendorTrac is managed by UI Accounts Payable. The online sign-up form can be submitted via email or fax, Tools for Vendors [3].
Note: If the subawardee has an international banking account, they can sign up for VendorTrac, but must also complete a Wire Transfer Payment Form [4] rather than the ACH form. For additional questions or help completing the forms, contact the Vendor File Team [5] in Accounts Payable.
To follow up on payments directly with Grant Accounting, refer to the Financial Contact information in the subaward agreement, or, call 319-335-3801. Please reference the PO number when contacting Grant Accounting.
Last updated: 01/03/2023