New GAO Universal Closeout Workbook - ROOM CHANGE [1]
There has been a location change for the Universal Closeout Workbook Informational Session scheduled for Friday, May 8, 2015, 10:00-11:00. The session will now be located in 1117 University Capitol Centre (UCC).
From: Grant Accounting Office - Grant Administrative Information On Behalf Of Haddy, Audra W W
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 12:34 PM
Subject: New GAO Universal Closeout Workbook
Beginning May 1, 2015, Grant Accounting will be utilizing a new procedure during the closeout of externally sponsored awards. The new procedure includes the use of a standard Microsoft Excel workbook, called the Universal Closeout Workbook. Grant Accounting will identify issues or questions that must be resolved in order to proceed with the closeout of an award within this Universal Closeout Workbook and email it to the Department. Departments will provide their answers and input within the Universal Closeout Workbook and email it back to Grant Accounting. In the end, the workbook will be the culmination of the final review and the final cumulative expenditures necessary for closeout and submission of final invoices and/or final financial reports.
The policy/procedure for the Universal Closeout Workbook can be found here: [3]
Additional information about the closeout process can be found here: [4]
For anyone interested in learning more, Grant Accounting has scheduled two Universal Closeout Workbook Informational Sessions. Dates, times and locations are as follows:
- Tuesday, 5/5/2015 11:00 - 12:00 IMU Illinois Room (Room # 348)
- Friday, 5/8/2015 10:00 - 11:00 2520D UCC (Seminar Room)
If you have any questions, please contact Sue Lampe ( [5]) or Audra Haddy ( [6]).