Director, Grant Accounting

FYI – The job posting below will close on Tuesday, January 28th.  

Research Administrators & Business Officers,

We have officially started the recruitment process for the Director of Grant Accounting position which is now posted at Please feel free to share with any interested internal & external colleagues in higher education. 

As we begin the process of recruiting the new director, I want to express my gratitude and respect for the work that Audra Haddy has done to advance the mission of Grant Accounting over the last 17+ years. Audra’s contributions to post-award administration at the University of Iowa is commendable. Her work has resulted in stronger internal controls, improved compliance with federal rules & regulations, more robust financial systems and a better informed research administrators community. We thank her sincerely for building this department into what it is today. Her shoes will be hard to fill but we hope to hire a successor with her unique combination of functional and technical skills balanced with intelligence, professionalism, and a spirit of collaboration.  Thank you, Audra!

Selina Martin | University Controller  | The University of Iowa
5 W. Jefferson Street | 4M Jessup Hall | Iowa City, IA 52242 | 319.335.0728 |
Controller’s Office:

Publish Date: 

Friday, January 24, 2020