We’re pleased to announce the launch of DSP’s new research Tracking Log at: https://uiris.uiowa.edu/combined_log/main/view. This tool combines data on routing forms, grants, contracts, and out-going sub-awards into one place and shows researchers and research administrators information not currently available in existing UI systems. Some of the features of the Tracking Log include:
- Direct access to AAAN documents, final award/contract documents, and sub-award agreements;
- The email address of DSP reviewer assigned to your grant or contract;
- Routing forms, still in workflow, are displayed along with proposals received by DSP;
- Detailed and specific status descriptions of research items with DSP;
- Links to GAO financial reporting showing budget and expenses;
- Sortable columns that can be rearranged
You’ll find links to the Research Tracker on the top right on UIRIS menu pages. We’ll continue to use your feedback to guide development of this tool, so please share your questions, concerns, complaints, and compliments with us as you use the Tracking Log (you can use the “Provide Feedback” link at the bottom).
The Division of Sponsored Programs