Gift Account Roles & Responsibilities
Who Key Owner (See TDR User Manual)
- Ensures expenditures posted to account comply with the donor intent
- Has general decision making authority over account
- Has fiscal responsibility and accountability for account
- Processes the proper forms to fund the account in a timely manner
Reviewer (See TDR User Manual)
- Ensures expenditures posted to account comply with the donor intent
- Processes the proper forms to fund the account in a timely manner
- Request account set up
- Close old accounts/accounts no longer needed
- Assign account owner and reviewers
- Request funds from the UI Center for Advancement to cover expenses
Grant Accounting
- Open and close accounts
- Verify information provided to set up account
- Processes University Gift Acknowledgement
- Deposit Expense Claim from the UI Center for Advancement
Last updated: 12/19/2022